Sunday, August 29, 2010

Niekey Davis
The Mr Eminem
Lovely Mother

He is, but she is my life. My father got into a fight with my mmother sometime ago. I was half asleep so I dont know what was said. They went their seprate ways after that fight. My father has been in and out of my life since I was 4 years. Actually for as long as i can remember. No birthday or holidays. Three years ago I told myself I dont even need him any more.
My mom on the other hand my mom is te bnest person anyone can meet. Her personality is just plane old fantastic. She's funny, outgoing, like to listen to music(but not more than me). She was on the roller coaster of life with me still holding my hand. I was told my mom was both my parents. She gave me my personality. And as she says "I brought you into this world i can take you out".