Sunday, August 29, 2010

khary minor
student at arise
not officially the first

Um well my first date I cant remember. But my first date with my girlfriend now: we met up at 13th and Market and we went out to eat at the gallery. It was me her and her first daughter. It was fun I played with her daughter, we talked about us and what it would be like together. It was a nice time and we enjoyed the conversation and I guess thats it lol.
khary Minor
one million dollars or my girl?

um I would choose my girl because when it all comes down to it she will always be there when I need her. I have something to love and someone who loves me. um I don't think i would want to give that up. what makes them so special is the bond we share and the beautiful daughter we have versus a million dollars which would eventually go away.
Niekey Davis
The Mr Eminem
Lovely Mother

He is, but she is my life. My father got into a fight with my mmother sometime ago. I was half asleep so I dont know what was said. They went their seprate ways after that fight. My father has been in and out of my life since I was 4 years. Actually for as long as i can remember. No birthday or holidays. Three years ago I told myself I dont even need him any more.
My mom on the other hand my mom is te bnest person anyone can meet. Her personality is just plane old fantastic. She's funny, outgoing, like to listen to music(but not more than me). She was on the roller coaster of life with me still holding my hand. I was told my mom was both my parents. She gave me my personality. And as she says "I brought you into this world i can take you out".
Jamila Turnbull
Simon Gratz

I have been on many vacations in my life. I've been to Disneyworld. Walked right down the middle of Main Street USA with mickey himself lived during the Jurasic Period and caught a couple beads during Mardi Gra in Orlando Florida. I got on my bike and sent ET all the way home too. I've been on a cruise sick at sea. Climb the dungeon River fall on Montego bay jamaica and drank the milk straight from the coconut, laid in the shade in Cancun Mexico and there is so many other places I have been but but honestly my best vacation had to be the place i went to last night i just got back this morning but honestly i didnt want to leave it was a beautiful paridise the water was deep blue and it shimered from the moon light I could hear the soft whispers of the night creatures. I looked toward the skin and the moonlight kissed my face and the stares seemed almost within reach. My feet laid in the sand the seemed almost like snow white and soft tickling my skins. The water tasted as sweet as honey and and the necture of the fruit was like a kiss on the bud of the tounge i closed my eyes hoping to never leave. Buzzzzz Buzzzz Buzzz. I opened my eyes and I was in the comfort of my opened bed. My room no paradise just life. My fave vacation was to dreamland can't wait until tonight when I go again.

leadership in the ball

My rolemodel would have to be Lebron James. The characteristics that he shows in games is passion for the game. He also shows respect and encourages other players when they make a mistake he tells them not to worry and they'll get it the next time. If my rolemodel his characteristics I think I would be disappointed because I know that he cant do better than that. I respect lebron james because at the courage and the passion for the game. Cause he doesnt look at it as a job or do it cause he has

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Khary Minor
the swoosh

One of my best friends is Niekey Davis (said like nike like the shoe{swoosh}) I call him my brother. I like niekey we have alot in common. He's funny and he loves music. Music is my life. Like if there was no music then I don't know what I would do. I was introduced to his family and he was introduced to mine. I meet my bestie in the group home. That I live at and we even share a room. and go to the same school. I remember one time I went to meet his mom and sisters with my other friends(aquil) and it was raining so we ran in the rain. playing and laughing and we had such a good time and his family is nice.
Tea Tyme
It' s funny the places you can meet a friend I make my friends in many places septa, the grocery stores , library ect.
Music is something that most modern day youth use as a way to express yourself. there are so many thing that can be described for different mood and situations such heart break song to song about birthday and so on.
I have so many friend its funny but i wish i had that one friend that was more special to e cause that bond you have with that one friend is irreplaceable.
Khary Minor
Don't let down

Well I was born in Temple hospital. Um I didn't have an easy life. Certain events had me taken away from my family at the age of one. I grew up with my aunt Birdie and I can honestly say that that was the worst eight years of my life. I was treated unfair and was punished in ways that I would never do to anyone else. I went back to live with my mom at the age of eight but my attitude towards my aunt followed me there and I would always get in trouble. But I learned from my mistakes I'm doing better now. I'm close to getting bot a job and an apartment. I have a wonderful girlfriend who just had my daughter (Jahara), and I'm happy. I have to just do what I have to do Now so that I can provide for my new family. So that everyone will be happy instead of mad that I let them down.

Tea Notes
sometime life doesn't go how you may want it, but i believe everything happens for a reason. think about it doesn't some situations make you either a wise, braver, nicer person. If you say no then you would be lying

I respect khary so much cause as a young person he gives back to his community and unlike other teen father he is doing what he has to do to provide for his family and you just have to applause him for that.

Don't ever let life get you down there so much in stored for you.

Friday, August 6, 2010

My fist time at PSC

My first time at PSC
10th grade
when I first arrived at the senior center, I was overjoyed with positive energy from all of the seniors. And, not only this, but the large amount of activities offered to everyone who comes here. I first began volunteering heree by asisting in the computer classed on tuesday. At that time I did filing as well. Today is my first time I have joined the writting class, and I am already impressed by the stoyies they all told.

Tea Notes
Volunteer work is one thing that helps you in life. post everyone you do on a resume.
colleges and also jobs look at this
"if you do volunteer work people would more likely to choose you for the simple fact that doing voluntter work shows that you would take the extra mile in any task that you take "
"You will feel better knowing that you helped someone out for free than for money"
"what goes around comes around if you help others now when you need help people will help you out"
My Arrival at the best day ever

I have been coming to the senior center since mid July. I started out by helping Rachael with some clerical work and helping out with the computer class every Tuesday. On the way here today, I wasn't sure what to expect I read about the class a little bit, but I still was unsure of what it would be like. But after spending just a small about of time here today, I have come to realize that this is important class. Recording memories and sharing them with others gives us another way to look at things. I have heard some stories told by extremely charismatic people and though I have spent little time in class. Every minute has been a memorable and fun experience.

Tea notes
Its funny how stories can change lives from sad to happy stories, from good experiences to sad or bad experiences. I feel really honored to be in this type environment to be with such lovely people and my words of wisdom for this paragraph are as followed:
Listen to every story that come along your way will never know what you can learn or receive.
Listen to all sorties with an open heart and an open mind there you will learn more.
And if you don't like a story still listen any way cause you may learn some thing.

Unlike most people I look for morals and themes in all movies, books, verbal and written stories
because it get me thing about my life compared to my surrounding and because of that I feel I am scoped into a better person.


Khary Minor
Arise Charter High
I'm new to the group but already feel welcomed. I feel as though everybody here has beautiful things to share and I'm more than happy to listen. I think I will learn allot about people here and we all will enjoy ourselves. All of the people here have very good hearts and I am so happy to be here. Their spirits are high and they're all lovable people and I feel very at home. I hope to learn allot about them and I hope they learn allot about me for in my heart they are the WONDERFUL SENIORS of the world. I wish them all a very happy and blessed life and I will pray that they live forever in my heart. Even though I just met them I love them all and they are WONDERFUL PEOPLE.
See people think that being around older people will be boring but that's not the case. These people are so kind and warm hearted that its crazy. If you don't get along with your immediate family they could be your second family.
"If you don't spend time with anyone make sure you bond with you grandparents cause they have so much to share and the experience is totally worth it"
"Just cause you meet some one in one day doesn't mean that they can't be family"
"When meeting new people make sure you have an open mind"

Guatemala Guns

Guatemala Guns
16 years of age

My Experience in Guatemala was good but also very dangerous. Simply because Guatemala is one of the most dangerous places in the world (Gangs). I have known many people in my life that were in gangs. Like my cousin Alex. Alex had three children. And that's when he wanted to get out of that gang life. So his kids would follow in his foot steps. So he quit. But like everyone knows once your in a gang you stay in a gang. So sadly cause he left he got shot 10 times in the face.

Tea Notes
Hey everyone this story is not to scare anyone but to get you thinking.
"Be careful who you hang out with or what you get yourself into there are always better thing to do with your time, Like playing games, reading a book, or even feeding a pet. There are so many positive things to do that you don't need to be around the negative."

"Negative thing get you no where in life but the positive takes you to a place of which you will never imagine"

"Don't do things that your parent wouldn't condemn"