Thursday, July 22, 2010

777 how lucky

the second part of Bill Cosby show included 3 seven year old kids from the wissahokin boys and girls club who answered question about themselves and the organization they was with.

7 year old Tomas (black)
7 year old Charlie (Hispanic)
7 year old Kamal (black)

question1 from Bill Cosby
" I look younger on TV don't I "
response from everyone

question2 from Bill Cosby
"How do I look Young on TV and look old in person"
Tomas response
"I think you put powder on to look younger"
Charlie response
"you change characters"

Charlie states she clean the whole house everyday the ceilings and all but only make 5 dollars a week but Tomas and kamal think she should be making 10. Bill say " call the DHS" lol

My favorite quotes
Arnt you with you
Do you leave you sometimes
Are you asking me a question
Bill Cosby asked these questions to charlie because she didn't understand the questions.... so cute