Teens' reflections of seniors' stories, by the 2010 Teen Members of The Best Day of My Life (So Far)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
April 8, 2010
Dental Advice
After picking up my three year old great-granddaughter from the pre-school class I heard her say, “Granny don’t you want some teeth?”
I replied, “See all these teeth here. I’ve had them for a long time.”
She continued to stare at the large gap and declared, “You can get some fake teeth, granny, I know you can. My teacher has some fake teeth and she is old.”
Winnie's response
well hazel nurse don't worry everyone has to loose there teeth sooner or later but my advice brush your teeth and take care of it when you are younger.
By 7th grade some of our classmates were becoming attractive young ladies. Catholic School did not encourage leisure co-ed activities. Recess was mostly pent playing first ball, a form of baseball with a tennis ball and short bases with all the girls. Dreaming about slims in to the back of the classroom for kissing and kissing was part of every day. Nothing ever materialized.
In the fall I extended my good night prayer from a half minute to about half of an hour saying my Hail Mary to make the football team. When I receive probably the last blue and red sweat shirt, I was probably the happiest 4 ‘9 and 90 pounds kid in the U.S. of A.
When a girl was crying because her dog had died and she was told that pets will not go to heaven, I raised my hand and asked Sister R., if God could do anything, why couldn’t he allow some pets in heaven? We were kept after school until I raised my hand and said I believed that no animal were in heaven. The other boys and I wanted to go to the playground so I lied to the nuns. That was the first step in my journey out the Roman Catholic Church.
By this time I had read almost every book in our school library and was finding all the Sherlock Holmes books in the town library.
Sports kept me busy everyday and the radio next to my bed which was a couch in the little living room of our apartment in the day time kept me busy every night. It never occurred to me to do homework but my grades were excellent because I paid attention in class.
Susan response
My first crush was when I lived in Maryland when I was 14 years old on this boy named L.T. I thought he was the cutest boy I had ever seen in my life. But he never paid me no mind. And so I started to hate him. And when I did he wanted to play. But anyways I loved your story and your dream about kissing girls in the back of the classroom.
Susan mitchell
High School Dances and Boys
Going to high school was fun. The boys were very nice, but some were mean. They wanted to fight all the time. Some boys would walk you home and were very nice.
Sometimes they had school plays and the boys were good actors, and one of them walked me home. But somehow I got into a fight. My father did not like it. Somehow I got a black eye and could not see my way, but all he could see was the boy with me. In those days, they did not go for it.
I was in a fight with a girl who was in school with me. It was fun talking about the days we were in school, and to see some of my school mates. I also saw one of my 4th grade teachers not long ago. (I bumped into him at the mall. He said, “Bernice?” I said, “I am 76 years old. How old are you?” He said he was 90 years old.) He was a lot older, his name was Mr. Johnson. I was glad to see him.
Latoya Leatherbury
I really enjoyed myself reading your story because in the twenty-first century it is pretty much the same. The boys are actors. Some days they walk us home but other times they let us walk home by are self. And thats kinda funny. So I really haven't had the privilege to see my fourth grade teacher because my life is basically being a city hopper. And with that said I really love your story
Latoya Leatherbury
April 15, 2010
High School Days
My high school days were some of my best days. I was mostly involved in Student Government, following in the footsteps of my older sister, Dorothy Lee. She was president of the Student Association when she graduated. I made it up to Vice President and had the respect of my fellow students but more importantly their friendship.
These were fun days. My teachers were role models and were very influential in my future. I loved school and never missed a day. I was cited for perfect attendance for 12 years. If I stayed at home, I would have had to do chores. There was a method to my madness.
The teacher who had the most influence in my life was “Mrs. Hayre” my 9th grade advisor and English teacher. She later became Dr. Ruth Wright Hayre, Superintendent of School District 5. She was a beautiful mentor.
Dear hattie lee Ellerbe,
hello my name is Jacquaya and reading your story made me think about how school is for me. I love school too. Also my teachers are role models and I look up to them. I am in the tenth grade and I am very smart. I think It was so great you was vice president of the student association and that you look up to your sister. I also never have missed a day in school unless I have a doctors appointment. I think it was so nice reading your story. And I hope to talk to you soon and/or write back to you.
your friend,
Jacquaya Rondolph
Bernice Moore
Goes back to when I was 17teen. My husband was my first date. On weekend we went to the movie and took lunch to the park, we met other group who was there. We had a lot of fun. The boys acted very nice. They make sure we got home on time which was 11oclock. We could go any place and was safe. Sometimes we would run into our teacher there. Woodside Park was a park where they had games and rides on different things. Hot dog was 10¢
then and sodas was 5¢ the bus fare was 15 and 25¢ fare. Rent was 50 dollar a month. Hamburger was 15¢. Hot dog 10¢ movie 25¢.
Well I would like to say the story that was written I liked. I liked the way you where living your life. I really think people today would live the same life, And I wish I was living back when you was seventeen.
Hattie Lee Ellerbe
I feel so rich! I tell my children that they are my jewels. They make me wealthy - all I need is a little bit of money (smile). They really make my life complete.
Besides my children, grands, great grands and one great-great grand, I have many nephews who outnumber my nieces. Out of the five girls born to my parents, we each had one daughter. We had no brothers; they had no sisters.
The game of “suspense” played by family members – Who is Aunt Hattie’s Favorite. As I hug each one at family gatherings, I whisper to them quite confidentially, “You know you are my favorite.” Over the years they have come to know – they are all my favorites.
I am also the family clown or comedian. God gave me a good sense of humor. I love to be around happy people. It is impossible to be happy all of the time, but happy times are the best memories of my life.
Dear Hattie Lee Ellerbe,
I understand the feeling of having very important people in my life. For example my mother is very special to me. She is worth more than any of all the riches in the world. I only have one older brother and two older sisters alive, and I have so many nieces and nephews. I thought maybe I didn't need any kids in my life. I've never heard of the game “suspense,” but it sounds interesting. I am the baby of my family. I thank my family who think of me as the “brilliant star” because I am very serious about school. And thats just a little response of me and my life maybe and hopefully I will be able to respond to another one of your stories. I really enjoyed it.
Jasmine Tyler
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
student at arise
not officially the first
Um well my first date I cant remember. But my first date with my girlfriend now: we met up at 13th and Market and we went out to eat at the gallery. It was me her and her first daughter. It was fun I played with her daughter, we talked about us and what it would be like together. It was a nice time and we enjoyed the conversation and I guess thats it lol.
one million dollars or my girl?
um I would choose my girl because when it all comes down to it she will always be there when I need her. I have something to love and someone who loves me. um I don't think i would want to give that up. what makes them so special is the bond we share and the beautiful daughter we have versus a million dollars which would eventually go away.
The Mr Eminem
Lovely Mother
He is, but she is my life. My father got into a fight with my mmother sometime ago. I was half asleep so I dont know what was said. They went their seprate ways after that fight. My father has been in and out of my life since I was 4 years. Actually for as long as i can remember. No birthday or holidays. Three years ago I told myself I dont even need him any more.
My mom on the other hand my mom is te bnest person anyone can meet. Her personality is just plane old fantastic. She's funny, outgoing, like to listen to music(but not more than me). She was on the roller coaster of life with me still holding my hand. I was told my mom was both my parents. She gave me my personality. And as she says "I brought you into this world i can take you out".
Simon Gratz
I have been on many vacations in my life. I've been to Disneyworld. Walked right down the middle of Main Street USA with mickey himself lived during the Jurasic Period and caught a couple beads during Mardi Gra in Orlando Florida. I got on my bike and sent ET all the way home too. I've been on a cruise sick at sea. Climb the dungeon River fall on Montego bay jamaica and drank the milk straight from the coconut, laid in the shade in Cancun Mexico and there is so many other places I have been but but honestly my best vacation had to be the place i went to last night i just got back this morning but honestly i didnt want to leave it was a beautiful paridise the water was deep blue and it shimered from the moon light I could hear the soft whispers of the night creatures. I looked toward the skin and the moonlight kissed my face and the stares seemed almost within reach. My feet laid in the sand the seemed almost like snow white and soft tickling my skins. The water tasted as sweet as honey and and the necture of the fruit was like a kiss on the bud of the tounge i closed my eyes hoping to never leave. Buzzzzz Buzzzz Buzzz. I opened my eyes and I was in the comfort of my opened bed. My room no paradise just life. My fave vacation was to dreamland can't wait until tonight when I go again.
leadership in the ball
My rolemodel would have to be Lebron James. The characteristics that he shows in games is passion for the game. He also shows respect and encourages other players when they make a mistake he tells them not to worry and they'll get it the next time. If my rolemodel his characteristics I think I would be disappointed because I know that he cant do better than that. I respect lebron james because at the courage and the passion for the game. Cause he doesnt look at it as a job or do it cause he has
Saturday, August 28, 2010
the swoosh
Don't let down
Well I was born in Temple hospital. Um I didn't have an easy life. Certain events had me taken away from my family at the age of one. I grew up with my aunt Birdie and I can honestly say that that was the worst eight years of my life. I was treated unfair and was punished in ways that I would never do to anyone else. I went back to live with my mom at the age of eight but my attitude towards my aunt followed me there and I would always get in trouble. But I learned from my mistakes I'm doing better now. I'm close to getting bot a job and an apartment. I have a wonderful girlfriend who just had my daughter (Jahara), and I'm happy. I have to just do what I have to do Now so that I can provide for my new family. So that everyone will be happy instead of mad that I let them down.
Tea Notes
sometime life doesn't go how you may want it, but i believe everything happens for a reason. think about it doesn't some situations make you either a wise, braver, nicer person. If you say no then you would be lying
I respect khary so much cause as a young person he gives back to his community and unlike other teen father he is doing what he has to do to provide for his family and you just have to applause him for that.
Don't ever let life get you down there so much in stored for you.
Friday, August 6, 2010
My fist time at PSC
My Arrival at the best day ever
I have been coming to the senior center since mid July. I started out by helping Rachael with some clerical work and helping out with the computer class every Tuesday. On the way here today, I wasn't sure what to expect I read about the class a little bit, but I still was unsure of what it would be like. But after spending just a small about of time here today, I have come to realize that this is important class. Recording memories and sharing them with others gives us another way to look at things. I have heard some stories told by extremely charismatic people and though I have spent little time in class. Every minute has been a memorable and fun experience.
Tea notes
Its funny how stories can change lives from sad to happy stories, from good experiences to sad or bad experiences. I feel really honored to be in this type environment to be with such lovely people and my words of wisdom for this paragraph are as followed:
Listen to every story that come along your way will never know what you can learn or receive.
Listen to all sorties with an open heart and an open mind there you will learn more.
And if you don't like a story still listen any way cause you may learn some thing.
Unlike most people I look for morals and themes in all movies, books, verbal and written stories
because it get me thing about my life compared to my surrounding and because of that I feel I am scoped into a better person.
Guatemala Guns
16 years of age
Tea Notes
"Don't do things that your parent wouldn't condemn"
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Jumping To Obtain A Goal
Ps. I like that He played with the kids as if they were his very own grand kids
And remember when Setting your goal make them SMART
question of the day for Tomas
*Is the bird missing?
*It is 2 birds missing from the sky?
Jokes from Bill Cosby
If a man walked 3 miles north ,what time is it?
Thomas answered 3
A woman drops 2700 babies and the bounce for half an hour,how many times did each baby hit?
Charlie answered 10
roses are red
violets are blue
grass is green
dirt is brown
how much does mr. pain dog weigh
Kamal answers 300
quote of the day from kamal
how can I read a book with no book
When I grow up
Bill asked him how he was going to afford it
So he asked him a again
he asked again
Oh Imma buy my own money
Bill ask again
Charlie butts in He going to get a job
Bill ask the question again
buy getting a job
by doing what
by getting paid
777 how lucky
7 year old Tomas (black)
7 year old Charlie (Hispanic)
7 year old Kamal (black)
question1 from Bill Cosby
" I look younger on TV don't I "
response from everyone
question2 from Bill Cosby
"How do I look Young on TV and look old in person"
Tomas response
"I think you put powder on to look younger"
Charlie response
"you change characters"
Charlie states she clean the whole house everyday the ceilings and all but only make 5 dollars a week but Tomas and kamal think she should be making 10. Bill say " call the DHS" lol
My favorite quotes
Arnt you with you
Do you leave you sometimes
Are you asking me a question
Bill Cosby asked these questions to charlie because she didn't understand the questions.... so cute